Converter replaced that linked up to house batteries. After my batteries drained while hooked to shore power, I called Convenience RV, looking for just that, convenience. Being an experienced
fulltimer with 3 humans and 2 very big young dogs, it can be a stressful day going to an RV service center to fix my rig. And being a young
woman I've had my share of chuckleheads who BS me. Steve and Joanne were a pleasure to meet (and BS free). I called at 8:43am, and Joanne
gave me the skinny on their prices and that I would have to pay up front (so, there would be no surprises). By 10am Steve and Joanne were on my
doorstep. He found my converter (under a kitchen cabinet), she called the warranty company, and within the hour, the converter was installed, my
battery back to being full, the bill paid, and away they went. They take, cash, check, or credit card (Visa, MC), payment up front, but will push the
paperwork to your warranty company for customer reimbursement. Very pleasant, quick, efficient, and knowledgable. Was even able to pick his
Steve's brain, while he worked. If I ever have any need, they will definitely be my first call. No more waiting 6 hours to have my rig fixed at an RV
service center. YAY! Their rates are extremely affordable, hourly rate and service call rates are very competitive no matter where you are located
in the US. Having circled the lower 48 twice in the past 3 years, they are definitely on my short list!
Class A - Gasoline
Posted: 2013-05-14 00:00:00
Converter replaced that linked up to house batteries. After my batteries drained while hooked to shore power, I called Convenience RV, looking for just that, convenience. Being an experienced fulltimer with 3 humans and 2 very big young dogs, it can be a stressful day going to an RV service center to fix my rig. And being a young woman I've had my share of chuckleheads who BS me. Steve and Joanne were a pleasure to meet (and BS free). I called at 8:43am, and Joanne gave me the skinny on their prices and that I would have to pay up front (so, there would be no surprises). By 10am Steve and Joanne were on my doorstep. He found my converter (under a kitchen cabinet), she called the warranty company, and within the hour, the converter was installed, my battery back to being full, the bill paid, and away they went. They take, cash, check, or credit card (Visa, MC), payment up front, but will push the paperwork to your warranty company for customer reimbursement. Very pleasant, quick, efficient, and knowledgable. Was even able to pick his Steve's brain, while he worked. If I ever have any need, they will definitely be my first call. No more waiting 6 hours to have my rig fixed at an RV service center. YAY! Their rates are extremely affordable, hourly rate and service call rates are very competitive no matter where you are located in the US. Having circled the lower 48 twice in the past 3 years, they are definitely on my short list!
Class A - Diesel
Posted: 2012-12-21 00:00:00
Had Convenience work through a problem I was having with my Hydro-Hot and also had them do the annual maintenance. Convenience has been working on Hydro-Hot units for over a decade and is quite familiar with the units and their aliments. Discovered mine merely had a small circuit breaker that popped. He didn't have all the parts to do a complete maintenance but he did what he could.